Monday, June 16, 2008

Women Cancelling Weddings!

Amazing news! As a result of the Boston Globe op-ed on Friday condemning the state's alimony laws, Mass Alimony Reform and the 2nd Wives Club have received numerous emails and phone calls from women who have plans to marry divorced men in Massachusetts - and who have cancelled their weddings and changed their marriage plans as a result of the information in the op-ed!

In the old days, it was men who got cold feet about marriage. But in the great state of Massachusetts, women who marry men with divorce obligations might as well be marrying (and divorcing!) their new husbands' ex-wives.

Please write to your legislators and tell them to reform alimony laws and keep judges from having unlimited, unchecked discretion in how they make decisions! Tell your legislators to support HR 1567, which reforms the state's alimony laws and brings them into conformity with the rest of the country. At present, Mass alimony laws are in the dark ages. Mass alimony laws have a chilling effect on marriage, not only on men's decisions to marry but on womens'.

Divorce lawyers want the laws to be ambiguous and vague. Why? Because the less precise the laws are, the more court time they can rack up fighting their cases for you and against you. Lawyers win. The rest of us lose.

For a set of horror stories from the Mass Probate and Family Courts, please send an email with your snail mail address to:

Stay tuned for more info on media reactions to the Globe op-ed.

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