The 2nd Wives Club was started because 2nd wives of divorced men paying alimony in Massachusetts are being forced to contribute to the alimony their husbands' ex-wives receive. Lawyers tell me this does not happen. Lawyers tell me that this is not the law. Lawyers tell me that the second wives' income isn't used to determine alimony, but that it's used to determine household expenses, which are then used to determine how much money the husband has available for alimony, and that it's the HUSBAND'S money that is sent to the ex-wife, not the new wife's money! Even decent, well-meaning lawyers have explained this to me, insisting that it's not the new wife's money that is sent or even considered! When I hear them say this over and over again, I know I am living in an alternate universe - Massachusetts.
When I have explained a case in which the second wife's income is specifically used in calculations to determine alimony payments, one lawyer said to me, "The judge made a mistake. Judges make mistakes. The remedy for that is an appeal." The lawyer, a woman, did not explain to me how to learn that a judge has made a mistake if your lawyer doesn't tell you it's a mistake. The lawyer also did not explain to me how middle income people are supposed to file appeals after they have been impoverished by alimony and lawyers' fees. Judges make mistakes, and it's up to poor citizens to catch their mistakes and file appeals. Remember that.
We work closely with Mass Alimony Reform and both organizations are beginning a publicity campaign to bring public and media attention to the issues that unjustly burden our lives and our marriages. We have an advertisement that will run the week of June 2nd, three times, in the Harvard Crimson. This is the week for class reunions and the Harvard graduation, when the Crimson will be read by thousands of influential visitors to the campus. When I figure out how to do this, I will post a copy of the ad on this blog.
Mass Alimony Reform is now a not for profit political organization with tax exempt status.
In order to pay for these ads and others, we are beginning a fund raising drive. Contributions of any amount are welcome. If you want information on how to contribute, please email These contributions are NOT tax deductible.
We also have a printed collection of alimony horror stories, which include testimony presented to the legislature in January 2008 and several letters written to us. We hope to have the horror stories available soon on PDF files, but in the meantime, we are sending them out by snail mail to anyone who requests them. Please send requests with your snail mail address to
The legislation that we supported earlier this year, HR 1567, was sent for "further study," which means that it's dead for this session of the legislature, which ends on July 31. When the legislature reconvenes in January, we expect that the legislation will be reintroduced -- and that between now and then, public awareness of this situation will give it more weight in the legislature.
Keep talking about this issue, write letters to the editor of your local papers, and see what happens when you talk to your clergy members about it and when you ask for their help. We may embark on a campaign to educate members of the clergy about this situation, since it influences so many marriages. If you do talk to your minister or rabbi, please report back to us. Feel free to post a comment on the blog or to write to, if you want a private communication.
We're happy you're on board. We have a lot of work to do to get these laws changed, and we are eager to hear from you.
A Mass 2nd Wife